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Getting started

The documentation is structured in two main parts:

  • The Setup part describes all the information to install, configure and run the various services of the modules as needed.
  • The Usage part contains information about configuration and usage of those services at runtime.

For the impatient, the following provides a quickstart look of what you would typically need to do when getting started the first time.


Make sure that the system prerequisites are met, including having make installed.

Then go to the directory where you have checked out the project, and do:

make prepare

make start

Now the services for all modules have been started and filled with dummy data for a demonstration example. (So the latter page explains how you can start OCR processing from the Kitodo application.)

Overview of modules

Our project consists of three modules:

The latter two modules are optional: For either of these, an existing installation can be used (see Configure External for more details).

Each module in turn comprises a number of services:

graph LR
subgraph KPM[Kitodo.Production Module]
subgraph MAM[OCR-D Manager Module]
subgraph COM[OCR-D Controller Module]

MA(OCR-D Manager) <--> CO(OCR-D Controller)
MO(OCR-D Monitor) --> MA
KP(Kitodo.Production) --> MA
KP -.->  DB(Database)
KP -.->  EL(Elastic Search)
KP -.->  MQ(Active MQ)
MA -.-> MQ

style KPM stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style COM stroke-dasharray: 5 5

The OCR-D Manager module contains the homonym OCR-D Manager service and the OCR-D Monitor service.

The OCR-D Manager service mediates between Kitodo.Production and OCR-D Controller on the system level for each OCR processing task. This task is saved as job information file. The OCR-D Monitor service provides a web interface to view running or already completed jobs, and their respective OCR results and workflow configuration. In the future, it will also support managing workflows and triggering or rerunning jobs.

Besides Kitodo.Production, you can also link Kitodo.Presentation or other applications to the OCR-D Manager.