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Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/kitodo after OCR-D modules and Kitodo are started.

Enter the username testadmin and the password test in the login dialog.

(Unless, of course, you are using an external Kitodo instance, or have customized the data generated from make prepare-examples.)

Note: If it is the first launch of Kitodo.Production, then the Indexing tab of the system page is displayed, because indexing still needs to be done. To perform the indexing, click on the button Create ElasticSearch mapping. After the mapping is created, click on the button Start indexing next to the Whole index label. After a few seconds, the index is created and you can navigate to the dashboard by clicking on the Kitodo.Production logo.

Kitodo extensions

After the steps for installation of extra resources into Kitodo, specifically the subtarget make prepare-data, and starting up Kitodo.Production, a number of extensions will become available:

  • a new script task for OCR processing from the process directory
  • a new script task for OCR processing from the export directory
  • a new example workflow which includes both of them

You can find the latter under Projects -> Workflows -> OCR_Workflow.


In this Kitodo workflow, the script tasks OCR from Process Dir (before manual Structure Editor) and OCR from Export Dir (after DMS Export) have been added to trigger automatic OCR processing with OCR-D.

Moreover, if during installation the subtarget make prepare-examples has been run, then an example user, project and process are present in the database. (That process uses the new workflow, but is stopped just prior to the first OCR.)

Execute script task "OCR from Process Dir"

This script task executes the script from the scripts directory and passes the selected process id and the current task id as parameters.

To execute this script task manually, navigate from the dashboard to All processes by clicking on the button in the Processes widget, or use the URL http://localhost:8080/kitodo/pages/processes.jsf?tabIndex=0.

Select a process to execute the script task, and click on Possible actions and then on Execute KitodoScript.

Type the following text into the form field:

action:runscript "stepname:OCR from Process Dir" "script:OCR Process Dir"

Then click on Execute KitodoScript. (This will run the simplistic Tesseract-based default workflow asynchronously. The process status will change as soon as the job is finished.)

Watch docker logs, or look under the hood with the Monitor.

Execute script task "OCR from Export Dir"

This script task executes the script from the scripts directory and passes the selected process title and the current task id as parameters. The automatic script task is bound to the manual task Export DMS in the workflow, because it needs the METS from the export directory that is created via the DMS export.

To export the METS of a process manually, navigate from the dashboard to All processes by clicking on the button in the Processes widget, or use the URL http://localhost:8080/kitodo/pages/processes.jsf?tabIndex=0.

Select a process to export, click on Possible actions and then on Export DMS. After a successful export, the METS is located in the export directory /usr/local/kitodo/dms-export/ in a subdirectory named by the selected process.

Note: The export directory can be changed under the project settings and can only be found in our sample project under this path /usr/local/kitodo/dms-export/. After that the status of the task can be set to Completed and our script task OCR from Export Dir will be executed automatically.

Equivalently, to execute the script task manually after the METS has been exported (in some other workflow), enter an Execute KitodoScript action in the same way as above, but with the text:

action:runscript "stepname:OCR from Export Dir" "script:OCR Export Dir"

The is still work in process, and does not perform any actual processing of the METS at the moment. (It only prints a message which parameters it was called with.)